What Happens to mR&A Once It's Inside Your Body

Japanese scientists conducted a study on the Pfizr vccine. They injected it into mice and recorded the distribution of the lipid nanoparticles to all their body parts. The mice were then killed and their organs dissected and measurements recorded.

(Spelling changed so you can share this without getting banned.)

What are lipid nanoparticles? Lipid = fat. The mR&A that contains instructions for the production of spiike proteins are encapsulated in a layer of fat. Why fat? Because your cell walls are made of fat. So, coating the mR&A with fat will enable them to penetrate your cell walls that are made of a similar substance, like a Trojan horse.

Once inside, the mR&A will hijack your cell just like a real virus, and instruct it to churn out spiike proteins, just like the real virus.

What the scientists found is that after injecting the vccine, the contents are unevenly distributed to different organs.

As the vccine is carried out of the injection site by the blood, naturally, the amount in plasma and whole blood (orange and dark blue lines) increases. This then decreases after a few hours as the lipids are distributed to the rest of the body and retained in the organs.

The largest amount goes to the liver (red line). That is just natural because all fat-soluble substances are processed by the liver. Filling the liver with toxins will damage it, but it will regenerate to some degree. You may not feel the effects of the damage.

The second highest amount is retained by the spleen. The spleen filters old dead blood cells out of your blood. It also stores a pool of reserve blood that can be released when you have a sudden large bleed. More importantly, it makes white blood cells. White blood cells are your immune system. They attack and remove pathogens. When you take a vccine, your immune system creates antibodies that latch on to the spiike proteins or viruses, then white blood cells come along to destroy them. What happens if you damage your spleen and can’t produce as many white blood cells anymore? The spiike proteins win. Is it any wonder that so many people fall sick to spiike protein attacks after the vccine? Your immune system is everything. You just wiped it out.

The third highest amount is stored in your adrenal glands. The adrenals dictate the amount of energy that you have. People drink coffee to boost their low adrenal function (and eventually wearing out the adrenals.) If your adrenal glands are damaged, you will have adrenal fatigue. Now that is a very, very difficult condition to live with as it causes  debilitating fatigue and is very, very hard to cure. Your entire endocrine system is messed up when your adrenals are out of order.

The fourth highest amount is stored in the ovaries. So many women have reported  unusual menstrual spotting and bleeding that went on for 4-6 weeks, until they have to take drugs to stop the bleeding, and even then, it’s unsuccessful. Doctors tell them they have no idea why this is happening and leave them to their own fate. Menopausal women, even those aged 90+ have started bleeding again after the prick. (Female children who have not reached puberty have also started menstruating after being around vccinated adults who shed spiike proteins from their breath and skin.) What has happened to your ovaries? Probably fried. When conspiracy theorists said de po pu lation, you laughed at them. Well, here you are now.

Fifth is your bone marrow. Your bone marrow produces red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Once again, the vccine wipes out your white blood cells. Destroy your bone marrow and you get leukaemia. There are many reports of perfectly healthy people dying of leukaemia within days to weeks. Sounds incredible that it can happen so fast, but it did. Haven’t we seen so many problems with blood clots, and more rarely, blood thinning (bruising, nosebleeds, internal bleeding)? Platelets control blood clotting. Too much and you get blood clots, too little and you bleed to death.

Next is your thyroid. Damage your thyroid and you have hypothyroid. Fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, dry hair, poor appetite, constipation, body aches, muscle weakness, depression, high cholesterol, fatty liver. You no longer have the energy to do the things you used to. Couple this with adrenal fatigue and you will be spending the rest of your days on the couch, housebound. You thought after getting your two shots, you can go shopping, but the only shopping you’ll be doing after this is doctor-shopping. Good luck finding one who even acknowledges your vccine injury and not fob you off to the psychiatrist.

What causes all this damage? Inside the lipid particles are mR&A. Think of mR&A as DNA. What does DNA do inside your cell? It instructs your cell how to make a copy of itself. But now you have replaced the mR&A in your cells with a genetically-modified substance. So instead of your cells making copies of itself, it now makes copies of spiike proteins. Spiike proteins are cytotoxic. Cyto = cells. That means they kill cells that they touch.

So when these lipid nanoparticles pass through the lipid cell walls of your liver, spleen, adrenal and ovarian cells, they hijack your cells and your cells start churning out spiike proteins. And what is the first thing that the spiike proteins encounter? Your liver, spleen, adrenal and ovarian cells. They touch those and those cells die.

Then they move out to attack other things, but don't worry, your body will create antibodies to bind them (assuming your immune system is in great shape and not weakened from chronic illness, or you are not sick on the day you get the jabb). Your antibodies will then signal white blood cells to come and destroy them, but oops, you have already wiped out your spleen and bone marrow that makes white blood cells.

Pfizr and the rats of the world thank you for volunteering yourself as paying test subjects in the name of science.



Update, 18 April 2022: It's just coincidence!


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