Molnupiravir Causes Cancer and Creates New Variants

Failed to kill enough people with C-19 and poison jabbies? No worries, now Pharma has made a new C-19 drug to wipe you and your family off this overpopulated blue marble.

Molnupiravir works by introducing errors in the coding of viral RNA. When RNA changes, that is a mutation.

I will just translate directly from this research paper. Original words in italics.

β-d-N4-hydroxycytidine Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Through Lethal Mutagenesis But is Also Mutagenic to Mammalian Cells
August 2021

NHC (N4 hydroxy cytidine) is the active ingredient of molnupiravir.

"It is very similar in structure to the normal ribonucleoside cytidine, which likely ensures its efficient uptake and metabolism to an active ribonucleotide that can be incorporated into RNA."

This drug is similar to cytidine, an ingredient which our cells use to make RNA. 

"rNHC has the ability to pair ambiguously as cytidine or uridine, thus introducing an elevated mutation load when incorporated."

DNA is made up of the components A, G, C and T.
RNA is made up of the components A, G, C and U.
C is cytidine, and U is uridine.

This drug mimics cytidine and uridine, so when the body picks it up to produce RNA, C-U could become U-C or C-C or U-U. This is how it messes up the formation of viral RNA, creating a mutation.

"Once in the ribonucleotide precursor pool, rNHC should concentrate in the viral RNA genome over cellular RNA as viral RNA replication passes through the ribonucleotide pool multiple times for the synthesis of both plus and minus strands, resulting in lethal mutagenesis."

This substance should stay in the virus's RNA and not in human RNA. Theoretically. The mutation is significant enough to cause the virus to dysfunction and die. (But what do you call viruses that mutated only a little and didn't die? A new variant!)

"Due to their mechanism of action, mutagenic ribonucleoside analogs could be metabolized by the host cell to the 2′-deoxyribonucleotide form by ribonucleotide reductase and then incorporated into DNA, leading to mutagenesis of the host."

However, the metabolites of the drug can be incorporated into human DNA. What happens when human cells mutate?

"The concern would be that mutations in host DNA could contribute to the development of cancer, or cause birth defects either in a developing fetus or through incorporation into sperm precursor cells. It seems unlikely that a short course of therapy would spare the host from this exposure because both RNA precursors that affect the virus and DNA precursors that would affect the host pass through the common ribonucleoside diphosphate intermediate."

The drug is a precursor to the ingredients used to make both RNA and DNA. As it creates mutations in virus RNA, it also creates mutations in human DNA because our DNA is made with the same material.

Your cells are constantly dividing to create new copies of themselves to replace old, worn-out ones. Errors in transcription occur every day, aided by the toxins we consume, resulting in mutant cells. Our immune system can detect these aberrant cells and destroy them.

However, if mutated cells grow faster than your immune system can wipe them out, or if your immune system is weakened and can no longer clean up bad cells fast enough, then you have a problem. Mutant cells can no longer perform the normal functions that they are supposed to, as their programming is wrong. What results is chronic illness as your organs malfunction one by one.

If one clump of mutant cells grow out of control, that is cancer.

If sperm (and ovum) cells are mutated, this would result in malformation of the foetus, resulting in miscarriages, birth defects, genetic disorders, chronic illness or cancer in the offspring.

Will taking a course of molnupiravir for only 5 days cause one to get cancer? It is enough to create mutations. But whether that turns into cancer, we will have to wait for the human lab rats to tell us many years down the road. Will your immune system be able to clean up these mutant cells before they spread? That depends on the strength of your immune system. If your body has been weakened by C-19, who knows. If your immune system has been wiped out by the mR&A vaxine, then it's bad news for you. Doctors are seeing many cases of accelerated cancer after the vaxine.

"Molnupiravir has undergone Phase 1 safety testing and is currently in Phase 2/3 clinical trials to treat SARS-2 infections."

Phase 1: Completed March 2021.
Phase 2 and 3: May 2021.

It is now early October 2021 and the drug has already been approved.

They ran Phase 2 and 3 concurrently, which is illegal. Phase 2 is hundreds of people. If not too many people suffer ill effects, then they can progress to Phase 3, which is a few thousand people. If too many people suffer ill effects in Phase 2, then that's the end of the line, it does not progress to the next phase. So here, they are cheating by running two phases concurrently, and in only two months. That's like baking a cake in one minute. I bet their result says, "No cancer observed, our drug is perfectly safe!" Of course you won't detect cancer in humans just one month after exposure.

There is no mention of Phase 4, which involves ten of thousands of people. I guess they just skipped it. Ethics can wait, profits can't!

A normal clinical trial takes 10 years. Would they have found cancer if the trial had run for 10 years? Well, we are all paying guinea pigs now.

So you took this drug and survived C19 and the vaxine, only to die of cancer. New variants may emerge from patients who take this. This is how they make sure C19 never ends. Then they can sell you a vaxine for the new variant and cancer drugs, ad infinitum.  Profitable! Since Merck failed miserably in the vaxine race, they have to catch up with the depop and money-making another way.

Will you and your family end up in Pharma's heap?

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