(This article is also available in Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin.)
The Pfizr C-19 vaxine has been reformulated. The new formula extends the shelf life from 1 month to 2.5 months after it has been thawed and kept in the refrigerator.
[The spelling of some words have been changed so that you can share this on social media without getting banned.]
In the USA, Pfizr submitted their application to the F D A (Food and Drug Administration) to amend the E U A (Emergency Use Approval) on 26 October 2021:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FQ6WGkiUSBuL1j0BhO8vOeKsCPGMYg8h (PDF)
(In Malaysia, it has been approved for use in children and adults on 6 Jan 2022 [Source].)
The dosage for children ages 5-11 is 10mcg (micrograms) of mR&A per dose of 0.2ml (this smaller dose is in the orange cap). The dosage for ages 12+, including adults is 30mcg of mR&A per dose of 0.3ml (this larger dose is in the purple cap). The dosing regimen is 2 doses 3 weeks apart for the primary series. Boost.ers are 3-6 months after.
Orange cap for children 5-11 years old |
Purple cap for ages 12+, including adults |
Detailed dosage (Source) |
According to the document above, the first series of clini.cal tri.als had Stage 2 and 3 run concurrently (they skipped Stage 2 and proceeded straight to Stage 3). This is illegal, but who cares, let's sweep that under the carpet. In this illegal tri.al, 1,518 children received the vaxine and 750 received a pla.cebo (saline, or so they claim). They were monitored for 2 months to see how many caught Covit and experienced side ef.fects. These groups are rather small, but it is the correct size for a Stage 3 tri.al, after which there should be a stage 4 tri.al with 10,000-20,000 people, to better assess the safety and effectiveness of the product before it can be sold to the public. It is dangerous to approve a product based on such small numbers because not many rare side effects can be observed in such a small group. But, doing a full tri.al would take 10 years and Covit will be over by then, so let's just skip all that and get Emergency Approval for a half-baked product and start making money right away! Besides, if the manufacturer conducted further tri.als, they would have to pay the staff and participants and compensate for any harm done, but once it goes to market, customers would pay to become test subjects, plus the manufacturer does not have to pay for any harm the occurs because taxpayers would foot the bill, so win-win!
The FD.A rejected the results of this study because the number of subjects was too small (told you so). So Pfizr then continued the Stage 2/3 tri.al to get a bigger number of subjects. In the second cohort, 1,591 children received the vaxine and 788 received a pla.cebo. This group was tracked for 2.4 weeks after their 2nd prick. 2.4 weeks is a ridiculously short time. Why so short? To limit the amount of bad news observed. Side ef.fects can take more than 2 weeks to surface. Often they surface but you don't recognise it as being related to the vaxine, or you did not get a diagnosis yet, like cancer. That takes time. But, whatever happens after this period will not be recorded. Too much bad news means your product will not be approved, so let's limit the time to 2 weeks. You know then this tri.al is just for show and was not meant to collect meaningful data.
So, the results: "From the combined safety database of 3,109 vaxine recipients (Cohorts 1 and 2), 4 participants reported serious ad.verse events. All were considered by the study investigator and F D A as unrelated to vaxination."
Are you surprised that these reports were all denied? That is a rate of 1 in 777. And that is just in 2-8 weeks. Surely some children would develop side eff.ects later, or already developed them but didn't think it was related and thus didn't report it? Compare that to zero side eff.ects in the pla.cebo group.
Then, they compared the risk and benefit. "The estimated risk associated with the 30mcg dose in adolescents 12-15 years of age from Optum Healthcare [insurance] claims data... At the lowest evaluated Covit incidence (June 2021), the predicted number of vaxine-associated myocardi.tis cases was greater than the predicted number of Covit hospitalizations prevented for males and for both sexes combined."
Whoa.. Did you get that? Pfizr said that more teenagers got myocar.ditis from the vaxine than were prevented from hospitalisation from Covit by the vaxine.
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Incidence of myocar.ditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericar.ditis (inflammation of the sac of the heart) reported by users after the vaxine was sold:
- Higher rate in men <40 years old compared to women and older men.
- Highest in boys 16-17 years old.
- Second highest in boys 12-15 years old.
[The rate of myocard.itis has increased a lot since this document was published. In one place, it is 1 in 70. This means that many more cases happened after 2.4 weeks. See, I told you they limited the observation time to avoid counting too much bad news.]
- No information available about the long-term consequences of this.
- No information about whether the vaxine causes sub-clinical myocar.ditis (meaning numbers are only slightly out of range and hence not formally diagnosed as such) and the long-term consequences of this.
(Note: Damage to the heart caused by inflammation is permanent and will never be repaired. Cells that die will be replaced by scar tissue. Heart cells do not grow back, so no new cells will take its place. The death rate is 20% in the first year, 50% in 4 years and 66% in 5 years.)
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Here's the reason why Pfizr had to apply for approval again--because they changed the ingredients.
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Previously, after the vaxine was thawed, it can only be kept in the fridge for a month. If you miscalculated and didn't finish using it by then, you would have to throw it away. Now, with this new chemical, you can leave it in the fridge for 2.5 months. Less wastage and allows for more poor planning and people not showing up.
The magic ingredient added that allows it to be kept longer is called tromethamine (common name Tris).
What is tromethamine?
"Tromethamine, also known as tris buffer, is a stabilising ingredient used to increase that amount of time that pharmaceutical products can be kept in storage. The Modena Covit vaxine uses tromethamine as a stabilizer, along with other vaxines and medications like the Ebola vaxine, dengue vaxine, smallpox vaxine and diabetes medication, Humalog." (Source).
It is also a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and used to treat acidosis (acidic blood pH due to extreme low oxygen).
Pfizr is also the manufacturer of this chemical. Let's look at Pfizr's own Material Safety Data Sheet for this chemical:
Source |
What is a "Category 1A reproductive toxicant"?
GHS classification criteria |
(What were "conspiracy theorists" saying about vaxines being used to depop.ulate the world? Oh, those crazy tinfoil hatters!)
"Danger, may damage the unborn child."
Developmental toxicity means it negatively affects the development of the foetus. They can die, or if they survive, it has affected their growth and development, so who knows what they will be when they are born, and the long-term consequences of that.
"Specific target organ systemic toxicity (repeated exposure), Category 2."
Category 2 means it was tested on animals. It was found to be very toxic to humans even at moderate levels.
Source |
"May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure."
You're gonna get 2 pokes and then boostr after boostr, right?
"Do not breathe dust/fumes/gas/mist/vapours/spray. Wear gloves, PPE, eye and face protection."
So, don't get this on your skin, eyes or nose, but go ahead and inject it in.
Here is a Material Safety Data Sheet from another manufacturer of this chemical:
Acute toxicity, Level 4. Harmful if swallowed. Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn. Avoid contact during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Can damage fertility. Irritates lungs and increases the risk of lung disease. If swallowed, causes stomach pain or vomiting. Hey, why risk getting lung damage from Covit when you can do it to yourself first?
Source |
Causes acute toxicity if swallowed. But it's just fine to inject into your bloodstream!
These are some of the side ef.fects:
Source |
The last line - "This medicine may cause tissue damage if the drug leaks from the vein." Meaning if it goes into the muscle. But vaxines are supposed to be injected into the muscle. So now your flesh is gonna burn when you inject this outside of blood vessels. Hence the common s.ide effect - "Pain and redness at injection site." And more serious cases - necrosis, infection, paralysis (of arm).
Also read these side ef.fects:
Source |
The main side ef.fect is respiratory depression. It means slow and shallow breathing, not getting enough air into your lungs. If a person does not receive treatment, severe respiratory depression can lead to respiratory arrest (stop breathing), reduced heart rate, heart attack, brain damage, coma or death (Source).
But our government says:
Source |
This 13-year-old boy died of a heart attack 2.5 weeks after the vaxine. The autopsy found a hard layer on the rear side of the heart. Damaged heart tissue has been replaced with scar tissue.
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